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OLD PARTNER- Premise by Netflix. “Set in the fertile fields of South Korea, Chung-Ryoul Lee’s pensive yet playful documentary examines the enduring bond between an elderly farmer and his loyal ox, forged over 40 years of service, while his sometimes jealous wife stands by. Mr. Lee tends to the ox with special care, feeding him by hand and keeping the land free of pesticides, while the aging beast faithfully carts him back and forth from town, never leaving his side.” Very good reviews.

4/10- This documentary is a sensitive study of man’s relationship to beast. It is also, I think, a study of aging in general. Very good. Netflix.

Add comment April 17th, 2010


 2008. Starring Souleymane Sy Savane and Red West and directed by Ramin Bahrani. Solo is a Sengelese taxi driver in North Carolina who is offered $1000 to drive a despondent man to Blowing Rock N.C. where he presumably plans to commit suicide. The film is about Solo’s “mission” to save this lonesome man. A few too many unanswered questions for me but the movie was very different and it held my interest. Netflix. 8/09

August 28th, 2009

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