February 8th, 2013

ONCE EVERY DAY- 2012. Synopsis by Rotten Tomatoes. “Highly visual, complexly edited, and without a conventional narrative ‘story’, ONCE EVERY DAY nevertheless circles a secret theme as it zeros in on a group of 25 people acting out a series of semi-ritualistic behavior patterns. But their eccentric impulses are aborted in unpredictable ways with each new attempt at action or development. As the film cuts between colored tableaus, bleached-out action sequences, expressionistic black-and-white confrontations, and slow immersion in pure light, we repeatedly hear the voices of the invisible director (Foreman) and his technicians, whispering off-camera instructions and comments to the characters – who are of course ‘actors’ as well as disturbed and inhibited human beings. The implicit question of the film becomes: could this be life itself – visibly re-making itself as art?”

2/8/13- Mixed reviews. The NY Times liked it. TRDB.

Entry Filed under: Drama,Opening Regionally or Nationwide

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