September 16th, 2009

CAPTAIN ABU RAED- 2008. Jordan. Directed by Amin Mataqa and starring Nadim Sawalha. A story about an older man who works as a janitor at Amman airport. He lost his wife 9 yrs. ago and feels that life is meaningless. When a group of children mistakes him for an airline pilot he tries only briefly to dissuade them and then makes up stories about his adventures. He becomes involved in a few of their lives in meaningful way. TRDB.

Here’s what Netflix had to say– “Premise by Netflix. “Airport janitor Abu Raed (Nadim Sawalha) has long wanted to travel the world, but he’s had to settle for imagined experiences through books and conversations. When a group of children mistakes him for a pilot, he captivates them with made-up tales of adventure. As he begins to form close friendships with these poor neighborhood kids, it dawns on him just how challenging their lives really are.”

2/10-The movie was very good but at times was a bit more theatrical then needed. I still liked it a lot.  At the Martha’s Vineyard International Film Festival in 9/09.

Entry Filed under: Drama/Romance,Foreign,Seen at the Theater

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