November 16th, 2012
MY BROTHERS- 2012. Synopsis by Netflix. “Set in 1987 in Ireland, this poignant drama tells the story of three brothers, teenage Noel and young Paudie and Scwally, who steal the family van and travel to a distant amusement park to replace their dying father’s treasured watch. Noel, who broke the watch, feels responsible but is buoyed by his brothers’ support. During the tribulation-laden journey, the brothers learn much about themselves, one another and the true meaning of family.”
Rotten Tomatoes had this to say– “A sudden family crisis sends three siblings off on an adventure in this comedy-drama set in working-class England in 1987. Noel (Timmy Creed) is the oldest of three bothers living with their ailing father. Noel and his siblings — eleven-year-old Paudie (Paul Courtney), who is quick with a joke and dreams of playing professional football some day, and seven-year-old Scwally (T.J. Griffin), who is shy and fascinated with Star Wars even though he hasn’t actually seen the film — are all having a hard time dealing with the knowledge that their father has only a short time to live. When Dad falls asleep, Noel takes off his watch for safekeeping, but when he gets in a fight the timepiece is broken beyond repair. Though the watch was just a cheap digital model, it was Dad’s most prized possession, won at an amusement park in Ballybunion; Noel doesn’t want Dad to know what happened, so he “borrows” a bread truck from a neighbor and sets off for Ballybunion to find a replacement. Since he hurt his hand in the fight, Noel brings Paudie along to help him work the gear shift, and Scwally is allowed to tag along so he won’t tell on his brothers; the brothers see plenty of sights have some unexpected adventures along the way as they look for the watch and come to terms with their father’s illness. My Brothers was the firs feature film from screenwriter Paul Fraser.”
11/30/12- Weak review in today’s NY Times. TRDB.
Entry Filed under: Drama,Foreign,Opening Regionally or Nationwide
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