July 28th, 2012
THE GREEN WAVE- 2012. Synopsis by Rotten Tomatoes. “THE GREEN WAVE is a powerful film documenting the populist protests in Iran following the suspicious victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad over progressive candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi in the Iranian presidential elections on June 12, 2009. Cell phone videos posted on the internet, Twitter messages, as well as animated blog posts and interviews with prominent human rights advocates and exiled Iranians bear witness to the brutal attacks by government militia in their efforts to squelch the protests that followed. THE GREEN WAVE is a highly contemporary chronicle of the Green Revolution, and a memorial for all of those who believed in freedom and lost their lives for it.”
8/17/12-Very good reviews in general and a good one in today’s NY Times. TRDB.
Entry Filed under: Documentary/History
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