January 5th, 2012

THE HUNTER- 2012. Synopsis by Rotten Tomatoes. “Recently released from prison, Ali (writer-director Rafi Pitts) attempts to make the most of his return to Tehran, amidst much talk of the upcoming elections and promises of change. Forced to work nights, he still tries to spend as much time as he can with his wife and their young daughter, escaping the stress of urban life through hunting trips to the secluded forest north of the city. But one day, Ali’s family goes missing-and after a long and fruitless experience with the police, Ali’s own search for his missing daughter ends in horror, pushing him over the edge into an act of terrible violence. He flees the city, pursued by the police, but soon the line between hunter and hunted becomes difficult to define.”

1/4/12- Very good review in today’s NY Times but otherwise only average reviews. TRDB.

9/1/12- Slow but interesting  and I liked it. TRDB. Netflix.

Entry Filed under: Drama,Foreign,Opening Regionally or Nationwide

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