December 27th, 2011

INSIDE HANA’S SUITCASE- 2009. Synopsis by Netflix. “This fascinating documentary traces the quest of a group of Japanese schoolchildren and their teacher, Fumiko Ishioka, as they try to uncover the history of a suitcase donated to the Tokyo Holocaust Museum and inscribed with the name “Hanna Brady.” Discovering that 13-year-old Hanna was a Czechoslovakian Jew interred in a concentration camp, the group finds her brother, George, in Toronto, who shares his memories of Hanna.” Great reviews. TRDB.

1/30/12- I know that this film got rave reviews but I found it just OK. A moving story but I felt that there were way too many re-enacted scenes by actors. The movie is really about school children learning about the Holocaust and about hate in general. TRDB. Netflix.

Entry Filed under: Documentary/History

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