October 3rd, 2011
ORANGES AND SUNSHINE- 2010. Synopsis by Netflix. “Based on real events, this stirring drama follows British social worker Margaret Humphreys (Emily Watson) as she uncovers a shocking deportation scandal involving thousands of children and risks her personal life to draw global attention to this grave injustice. An adaptation of Humphreys’s book Empty Cradles, this inspiring story of courage and conviction also stars Hugo Weaving, David Wenham and Tara Morice.” Very good early reviews. TRDB.
10/21/11- Excellent review in today’s NY Times. TRDB.
8/2/12- I liked this movie very much. Difficult to watch at times because of the abuse that befell many these migrant children, the movie also portrayed the conflict in the heroine of this story both in terms of her relationship with her own family and in terms of what she felt she could not do for the kids even now. TRDB. Netflix.
Entry Filed under: Drama,Foreign,Seen On Netflix
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