July 16th, 2011

THE INTERRUPTERS- 2011. Synopsis by Netflix. “This powerful documentary follows a group called CeaseFire, which is dedicated to wiping out urban violence. Begun by epidemiologist Gary Slutkin, CeaseFire treats violence like an infection and seeks to eradicate the root cause before it can spread. Based in Chicago and staffed by many former gang members, “the interrupters” attempt to prevent the shootings and assaults that are prompted by tit-for-tat retaliation, despite the personal dangers.” Good early reviews. TRDB.

7/29/11- Good review in the NY Times today. TRDB.

3/12/12- A meaningful documentary about a system to interdict the violence cycle but as one reviewer put it– “great access to the subjects but the movie was repetitive and depressing.” TRDB. Netflix.

Entry Filed under: All Reviews,Documentary/History,Seen On Netflix

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