July 15th, 2011
GIRLFRIEND- 2010. Synopsis by Netflix. “Evan (Evan Sneider), a genial young man with Down syndrome, lives with his adoring mother, Celeste (Amanda Plummer), but is self-sufficient, holding a job and longing for a real relationship with the object of his high school crush: a single mother named Candy (Shannon Woodward). When he suddenly comes into some money, Evan begins to support Candy, who is still entangled with her abusive ex, Russ (Jackson Rathbone), as well as a married lover.” OK review in NY Times on 7/15/11 but awful reviews in general. TRDB.
9/14/12- Despite a creative beginning to this film it became formulaic and lost momentum. Still OK. TRDB. Netflix Streaming.
Entry Filed under: Drama,Drama/Romance,Seen On Netflix
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