May 10th, 2011
THE TREE OF LIFE- 2011. Synopsis by Netflix. “Brad Pitt and Sean Penn star in Terrence Malick’s 1950s adventure about a confused man named Jack, who sets off on a journey to understand the true nature of the world. Growing up in the Midwest with two brothers, Jack has always been torn between his mother’s guidance to approach everything he encounters with an open heart and his father’s advice to look after his own interests. Now, Jack must find a way to regain purpose and perspective.” Good audience reviews so far but no professional ones as yet. TRDB. The movie won best picture at Cannes 2011.
6/6/11- While grand in scale I felt that I was watching a series of coming attractions, each lasting 1 or 2 minutes. What a waste of time. My friend Sue said it well– “Judging by the award of Best Picture at Cannes I feel like I am watching “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” I agree. TRDB. At the theater.
Entry Filed under: Drama,Seen at the Theater
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