April 30th, 2011

BEAUTIFUL BOY- 2010. Synopsis by Netflix. “This heartrending drama stars Michael Sheen as Bill Carroll, who is contemplating separating from his wife, Kate (Maria Bello), when the unimaginable happens: Their 18-year-old son, Sam (Kyle Gallner), commits mass murder at his university before killing himself. While coping with their grief, Bill and Kate must deal with the insatiable media, other parents furious at them for their son’s actions and their own questions about their culpability.” Good early reviews. TRDB. Poor review in NY Times on 6/3/11. TRDB.

10/31/11- Mixed reviews but I liked this movie very much if you can really like this type of voyeurism into the raw emotion of these people. Especially troubling is the parent’s quest for an explanation. TRDB.

Entry Filed under: Drama,Opening Regionally or Nationwide

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