March 1st, 2011

STRANGERS NO MORE- 2010. Premise by IMDB. “In the heart of Tel Aviv, there is an exceptional school where children from forty-eight different countries and diverse backgrounds come together to learn. Many of the students arrive at Bialik-Rogozin School fleeing poverty, political adversity and even genocide. Here, no child is a stranger. The film follows several students’ struggle to acclimate to life in a new land while slowly opening up to share their stories of hardship and tragedy: Mohammed, a sixteen-year-old refugee from Darfur, witnessed the killing of his grandmother and father before escaping alone through Egypt to Israel. Having never been in a school before, his sharp mind and tremendous determination enable him to make up the years of study he never had. Johannes arrived at Bialik-Rogozin after spending most of his life in refugee camps across the Middle East. His father struggles to obtain a work visa while twelve-year-old Johannes struggles to adjust to attending school for the first time.” This movie won the 2011 Academy Award for Best Documentary- Short Subject. TRDB.

4/11- The concept of this school is very interesting and appears to be working. The film was well done and we learned a lot about the students and the system in this 40min. documentry. Definitely recommended. TRDB. Seen at Temple Shaaray Tefila.

Entry Filed under: Documentary/History,Foreign

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