February 26th, 2011
ILLEGAL- 2010. Synopsis by Netflix. “Olivier Masset-Depasse directs this drama that follows the story of Tania (Anne Coesens) and her teenage son, Ivan (Alexandre Gontcharov), Russian immigrants who are in Belgium illegally. Tania lives in fear of being found out — and one day, her worst nightmare becomes a reality. During a routine police check, Tania is apprehended — but she refuses to accept the fact that she’ll be deported and separated from her son.” Reviews not so good so far but it did sound interesting. TRDB.
7/12/11- A very depressing look at the plight of illegal immigrants, this time in Belgium, but could be anywhere. Well acted, this film received very good professional reviews but mediocre audience reaction, probably because it was so down-beat. I enjoyed the film and would recommend it but not if you’re in a bad mood. TRDB. Netflix.
Entry Filed under: Drama,Drama/Romance,Foreign,Opening Regionally or Nationwide,Seen On Netflix
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