June 17th, 2017

A RISING TIDE- 2016. Synopsis by IMDB. “An inspirational story of redemption, A Rising Tide tells the tale of a young chef, Sam Rama (Hunter Parrish). After the destruction of his family’s well-established Atlantic City restaurant during Hurricane Sandy, Sam must grow up quickly, taking the biggest risks of his life, both in business and love. When Sam comes to the aid of a wealthy patron (Tim Daly) and then falls for the newly separated Sarah Bell (Ashley Hinshaw), a chain of unexpected events unfolds for all of them.”

6/17/17- I enjoyed watching this movie and rooting for the characters to succeed. The plot was a bit formulaic but the acting easily made up for it, especially Tim Daly  who is very good as usual. TRDB. Comcast On-Demand (Showtime)

Entry Filed under: All Reviews,Drama

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