July 7th, 2016
UNDER THE SUN- 2016. Synopsis by Netflix. “This intriguing documentary centers on 8-year-old Zin-mi, who’s about to join North Korea’s Children’s Union on the “Day of the Shining Star”: Kim Jong Il’s birthday. As the film’s crew follows Zin-mi and her parents, state watchdogs are ever present.”
7/7/16- Very good reviews from the critics and just so-so ones from audiences. One reviewer called it the deconstruction of a documentary because of the meddling by authorities. TRDB. Netflix.
11//21/16- Watching this, with authorities observing, felt voyeuristic. Interesting but the individual scenes were much too long and ultimately because of the North Korean authorities we don’t get a great picture of life there. TRDB. Netflix Streaming.
Entry Filed under: Documentary/History,Seen On Netflix
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