April 30th, 2015

THE DOVE FLYER- 2015. Synopsis taken from JBFC website. “Kabi is a young man coming of age in the brutal and chaotic Baghdad of the 1950s. Under pressure by local authorities, he and his family must make the gut-wrenching decision to stay in their homeland or to flee to the newly created state of Israel. Based on a novel, this is a beautifully rendered, rare look at the tumultuous postwar period and its violent dismantling of Jewish communities in the Middle East.”

4/29/15- Another very heavy movie from the Westchester Jewish Film Festival 2015, this was a history lesson as well as a drama about a community and a family. A bit confusing for me (and for the people I attended with) but we all enjoyed the movie very much. TRDB.

Entry Filed under: Drama,Foreign

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