February 7th, 2014

THE ATTORNEY- 2014. Synopsis by Rotten Tomatoes. “SONG Woo-seok has no clients, connections, or even a college degree, but his eye for business and appetite for money turn him into one of the most successful lawyers in town. But right at the peak of his success, a local teenager is falsely accused of a crime, then beaten and tortured while waiting in jail. Shocked by these conditions, SONG changes the course of his life, and takes on the case no one else will. This story is based on true events.”

2/7/14- A good review in today’s NY Times and from most other critics too. TRDB.

11/30/14- Well done and poignant movie from Korea about government overstepping its bounds in the name of National Security. Sounds familiar. TRDB.

Entry Filed under: Drama,Foreign

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